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God Bless America- Atlanta Braves Goes a Little Viral

One of the coolest, biggest things I've ever had the privilege of doing was to sing God Bless America in the 7th inning stretch May 8th, 2021. The 12 inning game against the Phillies was incredibly exciting and a Braves win just topped off a picture perfect moment.

That night while still at the stadium I posted one of the videos people immediatly sent me after my performance. My husbands was the closest angle so I used that one. I could have deleted all of the extra things before the song starts, but at the time I thought it was kinda funny and my current followers would like to see the whole behind the scenes experience. The girl told me to start, but forgot about the was just part of the moment. It was posted.

Friends, family and fans liked it, shared and commented.

I answered questions about who was yelling - the answer is total strangers - everyone we knew was far far away!

It was on par with my other decently engaged videos at 4-5k views.

It was all good and all normal.

When I answered a few comments before my gig that Tuesday night a couple days after it was posted the video was at 8k views. When I finished my show I thought something glitched or was wrong with my phone. It said 46k! It steadily climbed to almost 300k in 24 hours...and at this moment is still climbing.

I have no clue how or why or it decided to take off. It’s all quite a shock but wowwwww so overwhelming.

At the stadium was a really cool moment. I think the combo of the state of our country, everyone being so ready to be together at a 100% capacity ballgame, the prayer and decree for God to bless America- it was all beautiful. It doesn’t have as much to do with me as it does a really awesome moment. It was an honor to be a part of it and for so many of Facebook to share it and connect with it I’m filled with gratitude!

I honestly wasn't expecting the response it got, but it's been so much fun. I hope some of these people convert into fans of my music and continue to grow my reach, but either way it was a wild ride. I'm ready to do the national anthem there June 18th.



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